Well two days ago Andrea went in to have her Gall Bladder removed. She is doing fine. Just a little sore. Well the same day Crystal came home all in a fuss crying and carrying on. She stated that she had been suspended for five days. So after a call to the school we found out that Crystal was suspended for five days over something stupid. We told the school what had truly happened but they don't care. So Andrea and Crystal on Friday decided that they were going to go to Wal Mart to get Crystal's hair cut. I was shocked when I came home. Well then Jennifer started carrying on about how she wanted her hair cut. So this morning, the last day of February, we woke up at 7 and decided to take the family to Ryan's for breakfast and then onto Wal Mart to get Jennifer's hair cut. So we finished our breakfast and headed onto Wal Mart to chop, yes I said chop, off Jennifer's hair. So the rest of the morning I spent at Wal Mart waiting on the girls to get done. Well as we were at Wal Mart it started to snow. But it was not just some snow flurries this was down right snow that was coming down. So as we sat in Wal Mart the snow just kept on coming and coming until it was a white out. The local people said that as they were traveling upto Springfield they had to turn around and come home. As we left to head home the snow was so bad that in several places I had spinned out. To get up our road was a chore. But we made it and are now stuck in our house until the snow clears. It does not show any sign of letting up. The weatherman says it will last until Monday. So we will see. Regardless of the weather Wal Mart was still busy. Well wish us luck with all this snow. I hope all of you are well. I want to send a shout out to my sister Tina. She just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. CONGRATULATIONS TINA AND MIKE!!!! Hope you all enjoy the pics. We will have to send some more. Love you all.